Self-Care has gained Insta traction recently but it’s not a new concept and it isn’t glamorous, exclusive or only for influencers.
- is important
- isn’t selfish
- improves physical health
- improves mental health and wellbeing
- improves self-esteem and confidence
Your perfect recipe is as unique as you are - so let’s choose some lovely ingredients.

Our recipe is based on Martin Seligman’s PERMA model. There are suggestions but you are the best judge of what works for you. Like any great recipe – you will add your own twist!
Positive Emotions - “What makes you feel good”
A hot bath – feeling relaxed
A gratitude diary or list of three good things – treasuring the good
Dancing to your favourite song – feeling joyful (or if the postman catches you … silly)
Laughing out loud
Engagement - “When do you lose track of time”
An ingredient that engages your full attention. Playing an instrument, colouring or yoga. Beating your six-year-old at racing on Xbox …
Relationships - “Who brings you joy, peace, support”
Pick up the phone and have a good chat and a laugh
Send a card or gift to someone you appreciate
Meaning - “What brings you meaning and purpose”
An ingredient to create connection or belonging. Raising money for charity, sharing your time or expertise. Even hanging out in your favourite Facebook community.
Accomplishment - “What do you want to achieve”
Set some goals. They don’t have to be big. At busy and difficult times, things like teeth brushing, hair washing or making your bed can be an accomplishment to celebrate. Notice when you are feeling great and set some bigger goals that feel more exciting and challenging. Then you can celebrate being out of your comfort zone.
Your aim is a list of ingredients you can whip together giving you what you need most in the time you have available. For each pillar think of things that take less than 5 minutes, less than 15 minutes, less than an hour (right up to a full day, just in case … you just never know 😉)
